An interest in Pinterest???....How Pinterest can be used in an online course!

Pinterest is typically an overlooked Social Media platform. However, statistically, Pinterest currently has more adult users than Twitter. Pinterest is a fantastic source of creativity for both teachers and students. It is great for all kinds of collaborative and personal projects. Lets take a look at the many ways we see students using Pinterest!

1. Research & Group Projects
Students are able to easily search for resources, videos, and images in their topic area. Students can pin and share ideas with their classmates and instructors. Once students are ready to put their project or paper together, everything they need is organized on their Pinterest board. 

2. Digital Student Profiles
Students can create a portfolio board at the beginning of a new semester and can pin assignments, articles, images, etc. throughout the semester ot their portfolio board. Instructors can also create a class portfolio to pin student work as a way to highlight great student work. 

3. Peer Feedback 
Students can give and receive feedback by commenting directly to individual pins. 

4. Virtual Field Trips
Virtual field trips are typically hosted via video chat technologies that allow the students see directly into the location visiting. Pinterest can do something very similar to that. For example, the class is studying a war, students can pin information about the war to a board, along with photos and videos that will make the class feel like they are there. 


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