A Year in Review of the COOL Team!

Mission Statement:
"The mission of Coastal's Office of Online Learning (COOL) is to advance the University's ability to offer high-quality and high-value online courses and programs targeting in-demand content areas aligned to the academic strengths of the University. The COOL department has been working diligently throughout the academic year to ensure high-quality online courses here at Coastal."

To ensure high-quality online courses, the COOL department offers incentive grants to faculty who teach both online and hybrid courses. In the current grant cycle, the COOL department issued $129,000 in grants to over 55 faculty here at Coastal. These faculty have put in many hours to ensure their courses meet the needs and objectives of their courses, the University’s Strategic Plan, and the best needs of the individual program. As part of the COOL grant process, we continue to recognize the exemplary faculty who exceed standards set for by the CCU Quality Assurance Inventory (QAI) tool. We we were proud to host our very first Exemplary Showcase in the Fall of 2017 which recognized 6 faculty for being exemplary. We plan to continue this showcase each fall semester as a way to not only recognize those who have exceeded the expectations of the COOL grant process, but also a way to showcase their exemplary courses to other faculty on campus.

In addition to enhancing online courses at Coastal Carolina, the COOL department has also been involved heavily with trying to make the campus more accessible. Having an accessible campus simply means that the campus is designed in a way that ALL students can successfully earn a degree from our institution. Director, Sherri Restauri, has joined our campus's ACCESS Council which is a committee that oversees all areas of accessibility, including Financial Access, Online/Technology Access, Cultural Access, and Campus Access. The COOL team is also offering a closed-captioning initiative to the campus as a whole to ensure that all multimedia is accessible for students.

Aside from the team's everyday job duties, our staff continues to find ways to enhance their professional development through attending workshops and conferences both on campus and off. Recently, staff members, Ashley Long, Jessica Hall, and Kelly Parnell received recognition for completing the Distance Learning Institute from our sister department, CeTEAL.  The COOL team also enjoys attending events on campus and volunteering at community events such as, the WIPL conference that Jessica Hall volunteered at and the Horry County Schools Technology Fair that Ashley Long volunteered at. Director, Sherri Restauri, was also recently named co-chair for the Online Learning Consortium 2018 Accelerate Conference.

For more information about the Coastal Office of Online Learning, please check out our latest Spring 2018 E-Newsletter. Also, be sure to keep your eye open for us at upcoming sporting events as we will have a table set-up with information about our online programs and will have some giveaways.


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