Coastal Carolina University has officially adopted Hybrid Learning. Faculty on campus have been teaching in a hybrid format for quite some time, but it was never an actual term used nor was it being used as an option for students when registering for classes. The Distance Learning Committee at Coastal developed a definition for the hybrid learning that will soon go into place. The definition states: *Hybrid courses are defined here as courses with 50-99% of their required course activities completed in an online environment, as measured by reduced seat time requirements, with limited on campus requirements. Similarly, Hybrid programs would have 50-99% of their required coursework available in an online format for students to complete, with limited on campus requirements. 

            It is important to understand the definition of hybrid learning since the percentage, 50-99%, is what qualifies a course to be hybrid. In order for a course to be properly classified as a hybrid course, the seat time must be reduced for students as shown in the image below. Reduced seat time refers to the amount of time the students will have to meet face-to-face. Rather than meeting Tuesday and Thursday, a hybrid course would only meet one of those days and the rest of the instruction would be online.


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