Stay connected with your students!

     Want to be able to connect quickly with students? Remind is an easy, free app that helps teachers reach their students wherever and whenever. It works anonymously so that you are not using your own cell number to push out the messages. Remind allows you to send text messages to students to remind them about important dates, upcoming tests/quizzes, class schedule changes, and other pertinent information. Remind can also be used to extend encouraging messages before exams or tests.

     Remind is available for both Android and Apple devices. There is a 140 character limit, however, you can get around this limit by attaching a document or attaching a link to longer messages. You can customize it to receive messages back from students or can turn that function off so they cannot respond. You can schedule a text to go out on a certain date and time from either the web or your mobile device. 

Author: Jessica Hall


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