
Showing posts from November, 2019

How Using ALLY Will Make Your Content More Accessible on the Go

Ally Article It’s 5:00 in the evening. You’re out at the beach. The sand is pouring between your toes with an occasional pinch of a seashell every few steps. The wind is following you with a soft breeze.   “Life is great” is what you’re thinking. That is until you realize that you have a 20-page article to read, and you have to take a quiz on it by 11:59pm that night. What do you do? Do you:    A.)     Cut the beach trip short, drive home, and read the article once you have access to a computer?    B.)     Stay at the beach, don’t do the assignment, and ask for extra credit later?    C.)     Stay at the beach, procrastinate, and stress about not having enough time to complete your assignment once you return from the beach?    D.)     Stay at the beach, read your assignment using Ally while on the go, and take your quiz once you return from the beach? *Plays Jeop...